Finndom, Finnish science fiction and fantasy fandom, has existed since 1976, when Turku Science Fiction Society was founded. Since then we association-loving Finns have been busy founding a number of serious SFinal societies and some very strange informal clubs for producing fanzines and magazines, and for hosting cons and gatherings. In such a small country it has been only natural for all fannish groups and sub-groups to stay in contact and work together, and Finncon gathers together fans and scholars of SF, fantasy, horror, anime, movies, literature, hard sciences, games, comics and art.

For other perspectives on Finncon and Finndom check out some of the following:

Pasi Karppanen's introduction to Finnish fandom and fanzines from Cosmos Pen, the zine for Finnish Science Fiction Writers Association.

Finnish science fiction fandom This is an introductory article to Finndom by our own Triumvir Jukka Halme, published in Emerald City #109

Finnish Fandom group on Flickr presents inexplicable and embarassing photographic evidence of the existence of Finndom.

Jukka and Tero Ykspetäjä guestblog about Finland and Finndom at Jeff Vandermeer's Ecstatic Days. The link takes you to Jeff’s introductory post.

Cheryl Morgan has written extensively on Finncons and Finnish fandom, here are links to her articles on the last Helsinki con, Finncon 2006 and last year's Finncon 2008.

For a different perspective on Finnish cons, here are Hal Duncan’s adventures at Åcon, a small Finnish-Swedish relaxacon on Åland.